Companies have been grappling with how to address the procurement and supply chain challenges posed by COVID-19, to stay operational. As the pandemic begins to ebb, life will transition to a new normality; as a business, if you are not coming out of this more quickly than your competitors, you run the risk of getting left behind. Adapting to COVID-19 was challenging; coming out of it in a coordinated manner is even more challenging.

Agility is key to a fast-changing landscape and a dynamic response will be necessary to minimize the risk of the challenges ahead.

Covered in this webinar:

  • The key priorities you should address, to plan and prepare for the next phase
  • How to navigate the return to the new normalcy, and supply chain considerations as you ramp back up to rebased capacity
  • How to utilize the lessons learnt from the crisis to future-proof your supply chain for the medium to long term